
Check out the latest news about the amazing research taking place within the IMPRS-IS community. From winning awards to innovative scientific breakthroughs, it's all here!
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27 February 2025

Scholar Spotlight: Alex Witt

Alex investigates how humans learn socially, blending cognitive science with machine learning. Her PNAS publication challenges conventional models, showing that people adapt social information based on goals. She also earned a scholarship to conduct research at Princeton.

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17 January 2025

Stuttgart set to host this year's European Robotics Forum

The 2025 European Robotics Forum will take place this year the University of Stuttgart, marking the first time the event will be held in Germany. The event brings together leading experts and innovators in robotics to discuss cutting-edge technologies and explore future directions.

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18 December 2024

IMPRS-IS Faculty Ksenia and Christoph Keplinger publish article promoting diversity in Science Robotics

The team published an article in which they outline how a scientific community can benefit if its leadership fosters an environment of diversity and inclusion, and propose a leadership guide for roboticists to help reap these benefits.

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07 December 2024

Scholar Spotlight: Lisa Schmors

Lisa integrates machine learning and neuroscience to study how brain states and neural mechanisms process sensory information. A key achievement in her journey is developing a data-efficient vision model that integrates visual information, brain state, and cortical neural feedback.

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05 December 2024

IMPRS-IS Faculty Andreas Bulling named Henriette Herz Scout for Advancing Human-Machine Interaction

While transforming intelligent assistance systems by integrating "Theory of Mind" to enhance their ability to empathize with human emotions, Professor Bulling also fosters early-career researchers and advances interdisciplinary research in cognitive modeling and artificial intelligence.

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19 November 2024

Scholar Spotlight: Zachary Yoder

Zach's research focuses on developing robotic systems powered by electrostatic artificial muscles, recently earning him a publication in Science Robotics. In addition to his research, he helped to establish an IMPRS-IS scholar mentor/mentee Buddy Program.

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01 November 2024

IMPRS-IS Faculty Thomas Wortmann recipient of University of Stuttgart diversity prize

As a professor at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction, Wortmann was specifically honored for his dedication to non-discriminatory recruitment and his support for team members facing both professional and personal challenges.

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23 October 2024

Scholar Spotlight: Janne Lappalainen

Janne's research focuses on simulating the brain's neuronal wiring diagram using deep learning, recently earning him a first-author publication in Nature. In addition to his research, Janne also works to organize mental health initiatives for the community.

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10 October 2024

IMPRS-IS recruits its ninth generation of doctoral researchers

Our program is excited to continue its growth as it looks for great talent to join our existing cohort of IMPRS-IS scholars. The deadline to apply is November 15, 2024. Come join IMPRS-IS!

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01 October 2024

2024 IMPRS-IS Bootcamp was an event to remember!

Our 2024 Boot Camp was an extremely successful event with 300 participants including IMPRS-IS doctoral researchers, faculty, and other community scientists.

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13 September 2024

ERC Starting Grant for IMPRS-IS Faculty Claire Vernade

Her project ‘ConSequentIAL’ (Continual and Sequential Learning for Artificial Intelligence), is receiving roughly 1.25 million euros funding over a period of five years.

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05 September 2024

ERC Starting Grant for IMPRS-IS Faculty Charley Wu

He was awarded the grant for his groundbreaking research project “Compositional Compression in Cognition and Culture," and will receive almost 1.5 million euros over a period of five years.

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16 August 2024

Scholar Spotlight: Francesca Zermiani

Working at the University of Stuttgart’s Department of Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems (LLiS), Francesca strives to create more engaging educational experiences. A notable achievement in her academic journey is the development of InteRead, the first publicly available eye-tracking reading dataset containing interruptions.

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01 August 2024

IMPRS-IS Faculty Andreas Geiger receives Sage’s 10-Year Impact Award

Sage Publishing only honors the authors of its three most-cited academic papers of the decade with this prestigious award.

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17 July 2024

Scholar Spotlight: Ruiqi He

Working at the intersection between cognitive science and machine learning, some of Ruiqi's notable accomplishments include four peer-reviewed first author publications, with one being selected for an oral presentation at the AAAI student abstract session.

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24 June 2024

IMPRS-IS Faculty Benedikt Ehinger receives 1.4 million euro grant

The University of Stuttgart announced that Junior Professor Benedikt Ehinger has successfully secured an Emmy Noether Junior Research Group grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for further development on his work with electroencephalography (EEG).

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05 June 2024

Scholar Spotlight: Patricia Pauli

Taking on a control engineer’s perspective, Patricia focuses on the analysis and design of robust neural networks. Some of her noteworthy achievements are holding one out of 16 oral presentations at L4DC 2023 as well as publishing 9 peer-reviewed first-author papers.

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08 May 2024

IMPRS-IS Faculty Caterina De Bacco featured at Pint of Science Festival

"Have a pint with your local scientist," is the slogan for a festival that is headed towards downtown Tübingen. A total of eleven scientists will be speaking in pubs across the city for three days.

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17 April 2024

Cyber Valley launches podcast featuring IMPRS-IS faculty Antonio Orvieto

A new video podcast has hit the airwaves courtesy Cyber Valley. Check out the first episode where IMPRS-IS faculty Antonio Orvieto discusses biases in AI and where they come from.

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11 April 2024

MPI-IS Stuttgart opens its doors to the public

Anyone is welcome to visit the Max Planck for Intelligent System's Stuttgart campus on Saturday, April 20. See demonstrations, presentations, and get a sneak peek of the great scientific work happening there.

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27 March 2024

Scholar Spotlight: Hassan Shahmohammadi

Focusing on the integration of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision at the University of Tübingen, IMPRS-IS scholar Hassan Shahmohammadi won the outstanding paper award at the main EMNLP 2023 conference (Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing).

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18 March 2024

IMPRS-IS partners team up to form Bionic Intelligence Tübingen Stuttgart

This collaboration between the University of Stuttgart, University of Tübingen, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, and Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics will work to establish a radically new approach for the tight integration of intelligent technological systems with humans.

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26 February 2024

IMPRS-IS Faculty Steffen Staab appointed Fellow of ACM

Stuttgart-based computer scientist Prof. Steffen Staab has been appointed a Fellow of the prestigious Association for Computing Machinery in recognition of his research contributions to the field of Knowledge Technologies.

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05 February 2024

ERC Consolidator Grant for IMPRS-IS Faculty Philipp Hennig

His project "Advanced Numerical Uncertainty for Bayesian Inference in Science" or ANUBIS will receive funding of some two million euros over a period of five years.

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13 January 2024

IMPRS-IS Faculty Bernhard Schölkopf among speakers at AI House Davos Launch

All community members are invited to join the launch of an international computation and AI network of excellence initiative. The initiative seeks to balance AI development globally, focusing on computing, data, and AI research, aligned with the UN SDGs.

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11 January 2024

Wieland Brendel & Andreas Bulling to be keynote speakers at IMPRS-IS Interview Symposium

Each year, IMPRS-IS hosts a symposium to interview Ph.D. applicants. As the scientific highlight of the 2024 program, we are excited to announce that Dr. Wieland Brendel (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and ELLIS) and Prof. Andreas Bulling (University of Stuttgart) will be featured as keynote speakers for the event.

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11 December 2023

Eight IMPRS-IS scholars receive MPI-IS Grassroots funding

The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems offers funding to collaborative projects through its Grassroots initiative annually. The program provides an opportunity to obtain one year of funding for synergistic projects in intelligent systems.

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07 December 2023

IMPRS-IS Scholar Robert Geirhos Receives 2023 ELLIS Ph.D. Award

He is one of two 2023 ELLIS Ph.D. Award recipients, earning the prize for his dissertation titled, "To err is human? A functional comparison of human and machine decision-making."

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07 November 2023

Scholar Spotlight: Lea Müller

Working in the field of Computer Vision, Lea's research on 3D human pose and shape estimation has earned her two best paper nominations at CVPR. After the doctorate she will pursue postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley.

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20 October 2023

IMPRS-IS Faculty Michael Black receives PAMI Distinguished Researcher Award

Michael J. Black, Director of the Perceiving Systems Department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, received the PAMI Distinguished Researcher Award at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision which, this year, is held in Paris.

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08 September 2023

Join the next round of the Cyber Valley AI Incubator!

After the successful summer round, CyVy will again offer its six-week AI Incubator in this fall. This program is custom-tailored to the needs of our doctoral researchers, and successful completion of this training earns scholars 3 program credit points.

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21 August 2023

Soft robotics tool provides 'new eyes' in endovascular surgery

IMPRS-IS faculty members Metin Sitti and Wenqi Hu are working to develop a soft robotic tool that promises to one day transform minimally invasive endovascular surgery.

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14 August 2023

Continued growth as University of Stuttgart establishes Institute for Artificial Intelligence

AI for Simulations and Intelligent Robotics are the areas of specialization of the new Institute for Artificial Intelligence, which has now been established at the University of Stuttgart.

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26 July 2023

Scholar Spotlight: Bo Xiong

Working in the field of machine learning with a focus on relational and graph-structured data at the University of Stuttgart, IMPRS-IS scholar Bo Xiong won a Best Student Paper Award at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022).

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19 July 2023

Tübingen AI Center celebrate its permanent establishment as a national AI center

Around 250 guests from the fields of science, industry, and politics, including Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann, took part in the prestgious event.

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07 July 2023

One Million Euro Prize for IMPRS-IS Faculty Zeynep Akata

Computer scientist Prof. Dr. Zeynep Akata Schulz has been awarded the Alfried Krupp Prize 2023, one of the most significant scientific awards in Germany.

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22 June 2023

Scholar Spotlight: Jenny Schmalfuss

Working in the field of computer vision at the University of Stuttgart, IMPRS-IS scholar Jenny Schmalfuss won a best paper award at the ECCV Workshop on Adversarial Robustness in the Real World (AROW).

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17 May 2023

IMPRS-IS Faculty Bernhard Schölkopf receives the 2022 ACM - AAAI Allen Newell Award

One of the world's most important prizes in the research field of AI goes for the first time to a scientist from the Max Planck Society, to Europe for the fourth time.

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25 April 2023

Jellyfish-like robots could one day clean up the world’s oceans

IMPRS-IS faculty team up to develop fully biodegradable, high-performance artificial muscles, an important step towards green technology becoming a lasting trend in the field of soft robotics.

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20 April 2023

IMPRS-IS scholar Friedrich Solowjow receives Südwestmetall Employers' Association Sponsorship Award

Friedrich won the honor for his dissertation titled, "Event-triggered Learning: Principled Decision Making on When to Learn".

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22 March 2023

Biodegradable artificial muscles: going green in the field of soft robotics

IMPRS-IS Faculty Christoph Keplinger and colleagues work to develop fully biodegradable, high-performance artificial muscles. Their research project marks another step towards green technology becoming a lasting trend in the field of soft robotics.

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15 February 2023

IMPRS-IS Faculty Philipp Henning offers free ML lecture

This class, titled Numerics of Machine Learning, discusses both practical and theoretically interesting aspects of the algorithms that drive machine learning. The lecture explains the view of probabilistic numerics, which assumes that computation itself is an inference process.

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04 February 2023

New institute combines AI and neuroscience in Tübingen

Founded on February 1 at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen, Hertie AI will be the first institute in Germany to research the prevention and early diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system using artificial intelligence methods.

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01 February 2023

ERC Consolidator Grant for IMPRS-IS Faculty Jakob Macke

Tübingen AI researcher and IMPRS-IS faculty member, Professor Jakob Macke, is aiming to use Deep Learning methods to build new neuronal networks at the intersection of neuroscience and machine learning. His team's project ‘DeepCoMechTome’ is receiving close to two million euros from the European Research Council.

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22 January 2023

140 applicants participate in program's seventh hiring symposium

IMPRS-IS held its seventh interview symposium last week. The event featured applicants from over 36 different countries, all interviewing to pursue a Ph.D. with the program. In addition to interviews, applicants gave scientific talks, participated in virtual tours of our program, and observed keynote presentations from IMPRS-IS faculty.

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13 December 2022

IMPRS-IS Faculty Michael Pradel named ACM distinguished member

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has named Prof. Michael Pradel, Managing Director of the Institute for Software Engineering of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart, a Distinguished Member as recognition for his groundbreaking research results in computer science.

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10 November 2022

The Koenderink Prize for IMPRS-IS Faculty Michael Black

The Sintel optical flow dataset appeared at ECCV 2012. Ten years later, at ECCV 2022, it was awarded the Koenderink Prize.

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20 October 2022

IEEE VIS Test of Time Award for IMPRS-IS Faculty Michael Sedlmair

Congratulations to IMPRS-IS Faculty member Michael Sedlmair for receiving this year's IEEE VIS Conference 2022 Ten Year Test of Time Award for the publication "Design Study Methodology: Reflections from the Trenches and the Stacks" (IEEE InfoVis 2012).

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01 September 2022

Funded Ph.D. Positions at the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems

Our application portal is now open! Apply to join our program and begin a Ph.D. with us in 2023!

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24 August 2022

ERC Starting Grant for IMPRS-IS Faculty Tian Qiu

Biomedical engineer and Cyber Valley research group leader and IMPRS-IS faculty Dr. Tian Qiu from the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart will receive one of the prestigious Starting Grants of the European Research Council (ERC) from January 2023.

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25 July 2022

ERC Starting Grant for IMPRS-IS Faculty Philipp Berens

Professor Philipp Berens from the Institute for Ophthalmic Research at the University Hospital and University of Tübingen has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).

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24 July 2022

ERC Consolidator Grant for IMPRS-IS Faculty Georg Martius

Autonomous Learning research group at the MPI-IS in Tübingen is awarded € 2 million for a period of 5 years.

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15 June 2022

IMPRS-IS Scholar Felix Ruppert and Faculty Alexander Badri-Spröwitz optimize robot dog

Like a newborn animal, a four-legged robot stumbles around during its first walking attempts. But while a foal or a giraffe needs much longer to master walking, the robot learns to move forward fluently in just one hour.

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26 April 2022

Microrobots display versatile movement patterns

The research project of IMPRS-IS scholar Gaurav Gardi and faculty Prof. Metin Sitti, along with researchers from Cornell University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University titled “Microrobot Collectives with Reconfigurable Morphologies, Behaviors, and Functions” was recently published in Nature Communications. The team has developed collectives of microrobots, which they can move in every formation they wish.

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03 March 2022

State government paves the way for Cyber Valley Campus

The state government of Baden-Württemberg has cleared the way for the development of the Cyber Valley Campus in Tübingen. A joint concept of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science was approved for the site. According to this concept, the innovation campus, which has grown enormously in its first five years of existence, will be expanded by several buildings, for which up to 180 million euros will be invested over the next few years.

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24 February 2022

IMPRS-IS faculty and scholars improve fingertip sensitivity for robots

Striving to improve touch sensing in robotics, scientists developed a thumb-shaped sensor with a camera hidden inside and trained a deep neural network to infer its haptic contact information. When something touches the finger, the system constructs a three-dimensional force map from the visible deformations of its flexible outer shell. This research invention significantly improves a robot finger’s haptic perception, coming ever closer to the sense of touch of human skin.

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31 January 2022

Cyber Valley start-up incubation program for IMPRS-IS scholars

IMPRS-IS is the official Ph.D. program of Cyber Valley. We're teaming up with CyVy to create a one-of-kind individualized training experience that will allow our researchers to create their very own start-up company. Scholars should find more details about how to apply here.

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14 December 2021

Machine Learning decodes tremors of the universe

Researchers train a neural network to estimate – in just a few seconds – the precise characteristics of merging black holes based on their gravitational-wave emissions. The network determines the masses and spins of the black holes, where in the sky, at what angle, and how far away from Earth the merger took place.

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26 November 2021

IMPRS-IS Ph.D. scholars amongst finalists for AI GameDev

The finalists of AI GameDev as Europe’s first research-driven competition to enhance game technology for artificial intelligence (AI) scientists and start-ups have been selected. The finalists include IMPRS-IS scholars Partha Ghosh, Katja Schwarz, and Michael Stettler. Find out about how to stream the final award ceremony here.

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03 November 2021

IMPRS-IS Faculty Andreas Geiger honored with Everingham Prize

University of Tübingen professor, Andreas Geiger, is part of a team of researchers honored with the PAMI Everingham Prize at this year’s International Conference for Computer Vision (ICCV). In addition to Geiger, Philip Lenz, Christoph Stiller and Raquel Urtasun received the prestigious award for their joint work on the “KITTI Vision Benchmark,” which they have been running and developing since 2012.

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23 September 2021

IMPRS-IS Faculty Bernhard Schölkopf receives Frontiers of Knowledge Award

At an award ceremony in Bilbao, the BBVA Foundation recognizes Schölkopf for his work that has advanced the field of artificial intelligence by teaching machines the human skill of classifying data.

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18 September 2021

IMPRS-IS faculty Tian Qiu and team create intelligent artificial organs to enhance surgery

The University of Stuttgart based team has developed a range of artificial organ phantoms to serve as training platforms for surgeons. Thanks to the structured data of experienced medical professionals, a quantitative and objective assessment of a trainee’s skills can be assessed in real time.

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13 September 2021

IMPRS-IS faculty Jakob Macke and team improve biological image analysis

Scientists use super-resolution microscopy to study previously undiscovered cellular worlds, revealing nanometer-scale details inside cells. This method revolutionized light microscopy and earned its inventors the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In an international collaboration, AI researchers from Tübingen have now developed an algorithm that significantly accelerates this technology.

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18 August 2021

IMPRS-IS faculty Caterina De Bacco wins prestigious award

The European Physical Society’s 2021 EPS-SNDP Prize for early career scientists in the statistical and nonlinear physics category has been awarded to Caterina De Bacco, leader of the Cyber Valley Physics for Inference and Optimization research group at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen.

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01 August 2021

Funded Ph.D. Positions at the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems

Our application portal is now open! Apply to join our program and begin a Ph.D. with us in 2022!

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30 July 2021

Research meets gaming

AI GameDev for scientists and start-ups

Cyber Valley, Square Enix, and IT-Farm launch Europe’s first research-driven competition to enhance game technology.

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05 July 2021

Newly established RHET AI Center to focus on the societal impacts of artificial intelligence

The center will explore ways of facilitating a well-informed public debate

Artificial intelligence (AI) poses enormous social, cultural, and ethical challenges. This raises a number of pressing questions with regards to how (self-)learning systems work and can be used, the risks and opportunities of AI, what interaction between intelligent systems really means, and how automated decision-making systems can alter public discourses.

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01 July 2021

IMPRS-IS represented in SILBERSALZ AI Media Lab

The AI Media Lab is a new program for AI and Computer Scientists at the cutting edge of their fields, and we are excited to announce that IMPRS-IS faculty Nicole Ludwig and Ph.D. scholars Egor Iuganov and Viktoriia Kamska are among the first participants.

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25 June 2021

Better decisions, more control: “Best Paper Award” for Tübingen researchers

Two Cyber Valley researchers awarded for best scientific paper at world-renowned conference

Great success for two AI researchers from the Cyber Valley ecosystem: Michael Niemeyer, PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Geiger from the University of Tübingen were honored with the ‘Best Paper Award’ at this year’s Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) for their paper ‘GIRAFFE: Representing Scenes as Compositional Generative Neural Feature Fields’.

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21 June 2021

IMPRS-IS associated faculty Maria Wirzberger appointed member of the Commission Expert group on Artificial Intelligence and Data in Education and Training

On Monday, 21 June 2021, the European Commission notified successful applicants of the call for the Commission Expert group on Artificial Intelligence and Data in education and training. Among the selected members is Junior Professor Maria Wirzberger, head of the Department for Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems at the Institute of Educational Science and Faculty Member of Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech) at the University of Stuttgart.

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12 May 2021

IMPRS-IS faculty Michael J. Black is elected member of Leopoldina

Germany’s National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina announced on Friday that it has elected Michael J Black, founding director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Honorarprofessor at the University of Tübingen, and Cyber Valley speaker, as a member.

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16 March 2021

IMPRS-IS faculty Metin Sitti and his team finalists for the 2020 Cozzarelli Prize

The highly prestigious annual Cozzarelli Prize recognizes outstanding contributions to the scientific disciplines represented by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Winners and finalists are chosen among articles that appeared in the journal last year in the six broadly defined classes under which the NAS is organized. Additionally, the Editorial Board has recognized six papers – one in each class – as finalists for the 2020 Cozzarelli Prize.

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02 February 2021

IMPRS-IS community members teaching machines to see like people

With Generative Radiance Fields for 3D-Aware Image Synthesis (GRAF), scientists from the University of Tübingen and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems have vastly improved the quality of machine-generated 3D images of single objects.

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17 November 2020

Another record in popularity: IMPRS-IS receives the highest ever number of applications

The doctoral program of the Cyber Valley research cooperation again exceeds all expectations. In its recent application round for its fifth generation of Ph.D. students, IMPRS-IS received a record number of applications, with women making up a third of all applicants. The applicants, who come from all over the world, are eager to become part of the highly renowned multidisciplinary research landscape in the Stuttgart/Tübingen region.

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10 November 2020

Cyber Valley institutions once again among Germany’s top ranked at leading machine learning conference

In total, 31 papers from Cyber Valley have been accepted to the upcoming NeurIPS 2020 conference

With 31 accepted papers, researchers from the Cyber Valley ecosystem are set to make a strong showing once again at the upcoming 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). In light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s leading conference for machine learning is going to be held online from December 6 to 12.

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07 September 2020

Cyber Valley launches Investor Network

Europe’s largest AI research consortium attracts interest from some of the world’s most successful venture capital firms

World-class science in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted seasoned mentors with investors committed to nurturing innovative ideas: local, national, and international venture capital (VC) firms will help young scientists within the Cyber Valley ecosystem to master the skills needed to become successful entrepreneurs. Their support will foster a breeding ground for the AI jobs of the future. Baden-Württemberg is one of the world’s strongest economies with a long history of start-ups that have become leading global players. The Cyber Valley Investor Network will continue to drive this success forward by helping create the AI companies of the future. Mentorship will enable entrepreneurs to turn world-class Cyber Valley AI research into leading new companies.

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01 September 2020

Intelligent and cooperative aerial robots

Dr. Aamir Ahmad appointed new Tenure-Track Professor at the University of Stuttgart

They do not think like us, they do not see like us, they do not navigate like us. Accordingly, the communication and cooperation between robots is different from that between humans. Dr. Aamir Ahmad has been appointed to the first professorship for flight robotics at the Institute of Flight Mechanics and Controls (IFR) at the University of Stuttgart from September 1, 2020. He focuses on the perception of robotic systems with a particular emphasis on aerial robots. Previously, he was a research group leader in the Perceiving Systems Department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen.

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23 July 2020

IMPRS-IS sends a new generation of young scientists into the world

Six doctoral students graduate only three years after the launch of this interdisciplinary research school

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22 July 2020

Interview with AI pioneer Peter Dayan about life and work in Cyber Valley

Interview mit KI-Pionier Peter Dayan über Leben und Arbeiten im Cyber Valley Ökosystem

Peter Dayan is one of the world’s leading experts in the field of theoretical and experimental neuroscience. Dayan, 54, is managing director of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen. He also holds a Humboldt Professorship, the most valuable research award in Germany, in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Tübingen. Dayan’s research combines the overlapping fields of neuroscience, medicine and machine learning. He is also regarded as a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence. In the interview, Dayan describes, amongst other things, his fascination with this field of research and how he has settled in Tübingen.

Peter Dayan University of Tübingen Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Humboldt Foundation IMPRS GTC Machine Learning AI IMPRS-IS

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20 February 2020

European Commission Vice-President Vestager visits Cyber Valley

Scientists from the ecosystem are making a decisive contribution to the future of European AI

At a meeting with the European Commission’s Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, Baden-Württemberg’s Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann, and the state’s Science Minister Theresia Bauer, scientists welcomed the European Commission’s new Digital Strategy and demanded strong support for research in the field of learning AI.

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19 March 2019

New height in popularity: IMPRS-IS on track to double size in 2019

"Young, talented people are the ones who will shape our future in the digital world, in science, in business, and in society."

The doctoral program of the Cyber Valley initiative far exceeds expectations. Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Science, Theresia Bauer, is pleased with the high number of applications from all over the world because it shows how attractive the multidisciplinary research landscape in the Stuttgart/Tübingen region is for highly talented young scientists.

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